Gallery folk are an eclectic and cheerful bunch; we even have a couple of refugees from the Arena! We boast a wide variety of talents and abilities between us. In common, though, is a real love and knowledge of classical music. We welcome those who've set out on the road of discovery; I know I'm grateful to those who welcomed me, some 15 years ago, when I bought my first Season Ticket. Well, some folks have a very different idea of what constitutes acceptable concert behaviour, albeit in a relaxed atmosphere. Each year, those of us who attend regularly marvel anew at what some believe constitutes 'concert behaviour'. Some of us can get cross. So, to help the newbie Prommer, here's some suggestions on getting the best out of the concert - and the Gallery Prommers!
Accentuate the positive...
- ASK if there's any space at the rail. Asking politely, especially if you're a first-timer, will generally melt the hardest of seasoned Prommers' hearts. Though it will be easier if you're on your own, and not part of a group.
- DO be sociable & friendly with season ticket holders. Some of them - especially the older ones - have been attending Proms for many years. Some can even remember Proms held in the Queen's Hall (bombed in May, 1942 - see this link for some Pathe stills). That's a lot of musical history to plug in to. "How long have you been coming to the proms?" is a good start...
- DO be respectful of others' personal space. This isn't the Tube, and standing closer than one foot behind someone is highly intrusive. Especially if you haven't introduced yourself. Trying to 'shuffle forward' into clothes, bags, etc. also isn't welcomed.
- COUGHING - it's surprising how much coughing can be restrained. If you are minded to do that, be so minded! At the very least DO use a handkerchief.
- DO TURN YOUR PHONE TO SILENT. Nothing, but nothing, jars like a mobile going off. It's the mark of a Very Naff Person Indeed. To those twats who don't: you're not important, you're just Very Sad. And looking at Facebook during the music is just plain pathetic.
- DO bring a sandwich, or a small pot of salad, for interval energy replenishment...(see Eating & Drinking). Note: I said 'interval'...
- DO transfer your wine from a glass bottle to a plastic one. Also, do use plastic containers to drink from, irrespective of beverage. Less risk of breakage! DO be discreet: Redcoats have been known to confiscate bottles. DO be discreet about opening your can of fizzy drink (not during the music, please). And about displaying it..
- Please - no clacky, clumpy, squeaky shoes. Take them OFF, especially if you need the toilet in mid-performance.
- Please - no jangling bracelets, earrings, hair ornaments. You won't add to the music. Rather, the reverse.
- DON'T talk - even in a whisper - while the music's playing. You WILL be heard (the Gallery's accoustically perfect for this). It IS a distraction.
- NEVER, EVER barge up to the rail to "get a good view" if there are people already there. This is plain Bad Manners, and won't be acceptable. You will not have a good, or welcoming, reception.
- If there are coats or bags adjacent to the rail, but not people, it signifies that the owners have gone to the loo, or the bar, or to find a programme-seller, and that they will expect their coats and bags to be exactly as they left them and the rail still to be vacant at that place for their return. DON'T move others' possessions!
- You are asked not to take photos - taking them during a performance is an absolute NO. You will get short shrift if you do this.. Do not respond with a 'V' sign: it merely confirms that you are not there for the music, and are a peasant. Shots at the end are acceptable; in many bays, the regulars will have left swiftly, leaving you free to move in.
DO NOT applaud if you are not absolutely sure that the piece has ended; silence may indicate only a break between movements or even just a pause in the music.
Especially for pieces that end quietly or contemplatively, only applaud after the conductor has lowered his or her arms.
Eating & Drinking
- DON'T EAT while the the music is playing. If you're that hungry, you really should have stayed at home, & possibly listened to BBC Radio 3. It's not 'Proms in the Park'.
- If you really must buy & eat crisps, DO NOT, EVER, eat these while the music is playing. Ditto with any food that comes in a noisy wrapper.
- Plastic carrier bags are ubiquitous. They are noisy. DO NOT delve during the music. 'Nuff said: you should be getting the drift by now.
Why these don'ts? The regulars are there for the music. (We hope you are, too) They focus on it, and concentrate. Distractions & noise break this focus; season ticket holders don't look well upon a lack of manners. If you don't get told off, you're lucky. But you will not be welcomed. You will barely be tolerated.
If you indulge in your special brand of callisthenics during the interval, you will be laughed at. It may not be subtle, either...Just in case any reader thinks I'm a finicky old biddie, may I add that several people added their suggestions to this piece, all of which have been incorporated.
A word on the Last Night - it's NOT a jingoistic celebration of England & Empire from the turn of the last century. It IS an end-of-term party, for those of us who've attended regularly throughout the Season. One Prom attendance does not a 'regular Prommer' make!
Heard this year from one of the Stewards - A quartet of people bought a Fortnum & Mason's picnic hamper (minimum cost £50), replete with glasses, china plates, cutlery, and foodie goodies. They paid a fiver a head for entry to the Gallery. They left the picnic hamper behind, having eaten the food....
This is a reply to your comments on twitter. Nasty little English racist, just as bad as the snp, yes cymru lot, who the hell do you think you are??? Lucky most people are not like you in the UK or Britain would be done for..